Which college degrees earn people the most money directly after graduation?

Posted on January 29th, 2013

Right now, many high school seniors are still waiting to find out if they have been accepted to the college of their dreams. Meanwhile, other students who have already received the good news are probably doing all they can to figure out how to pay for higher education now that they have gotten into the school of their choice.

Whichever category you fall into, it may benefit you to know ahead of time that the major you choose to pursue a degree in could play a big hand in determining the size of your paycheck when you graduate and enter the job market. Paying for college once you’ve attained your degree will be a lot easier if you are making enough money to stay current on your monthly loan payments.

Students who pursue a degree in engineering appear to be having the most luck when it comes to making a large salary soon after graduation. According to a study conducted by the The National Association of Colleges and Employers, a group that works to find students employment after they earn a degree, individuals who pursue a career in the field of computer engineering on average can expect a starting salary of roughly $70,000 a year. 

After that, the list of the top fields that lead to high earnings after graduation continues to feature the term “engineer.” Chemical engineering, for example, comes in at number two on the list with graduates earning a starting salary of $66,400 a year. 

Tying for third place are computer science majors and aerospace engineers, who can each expect roughly $64,000 on average at their first jobs. Finance is also a lucrative major, as graduates with this kind of degree earn an average of $54,000 when they enter the workforce.

Category: Financial Aid, Financial Aid News
