Tag: liberal arts

Is college being dumbed down?

Posted on January 3rd, 2014

"We all want to have more students graduate and graduate in a more timely manner. The question is, do you do this by lowering your standards?" -- Rudy Fichtenbaum

Under fire in recent years for high tuition costs and the lack of career preparation taught at colleges, college policymakers have felt the pressure to graduate more students quickly and prepare graduates to enter the workforce. The value of the liberal arts has also been questioned, leading some government officials in Florida, North Carolina and […]

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The value of the liberal arts

Posted on December 9th, 2013

"After a semester or a year, students discover fields they never even knew existed—anthropology, sociology, linguistics, sustainable development—and a good number change course...I tell them that what matters most in college is not what they major in, but that they find something they love—something they can imagine doing for a lifetime." -- Justin Snider

In an era of high college costs, it’s more important than ever to carefully consider your college major and future earnings before taking out thousands of dollars in student loans. With the cost of college on the rise and increasing student debt, many people have started to question whether majoring in a liberal arts discipline–which […]

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