Tag: repayment

How I paid back my student loans

Posted on October 22nd, 2013

"I took a really positive look at it. I knew that it was something I'd have to think about for the next 10-15 years of my life. Setting that reality has really helped me down the line." -- Julia of SaltMoney.org

Depending how you look at it, repaying your student loans can be a positive or a negative experience. Once Julia of SaltMoney.Org took a positive outlook and accepted her student debt as a part of her life, it became much easier to pay it off. In the video below, Julia explains how she built her student loan repayment […]

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Student loan servicers make it harder for borrowers to repay loans

Posted on October 21st, 2013

Do you ever feel like your student loan servicer is out to get you? You’re not being paranoid.

A new report has found that student loan servicers aren’t doing much to help borrowers repay their student loans. In fact, they seem to be actively trying to prevent borrowers from paying off their student debt as quickly as possible.

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What you need to know about student loan forgiveness

Posted on October 3rd, 2013

Planning on entering public service after college so you can have your student loans forgiven? It’s more complicated than you think.

Think about how often you change your mind. There’s no way to be completely certain that your plans won’t change sometime in the next four years–or in the ten years you have to commit to a public service position in order to be eligible for student loan forgiveness.

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Crowdfunding for college graduates’ dreams

Posted on October 2nd, 2013

Cinderella never had to worry about student loans. And she got to live in a castle and had her own room. She might have had to work for her room and board, but her situation sounds pretty great compared to the typical college student’s cramped living quarters.

And even if Cinderella had gone to college, she had a fairy godmother to step in and wipe away her student loans.

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Top 3 student loan myths

Posted on September 20th, 2013

Should you pay down your student debt slowly to receive tax breaks for more years? Can you file for bankruptcy if you can’t pay your student loans?

This informative video will help clear up some of your confusion about student loans.

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Income-based student loan repayment plans underused by struggling borrowers

Posted on September 16th, 2013

"For federal student loans, there’s no reason why students should be defaulting...It’s unfortunate we have these good plans out there, but we just don’t do enough to help people get into them." -- Rory O’Sullivan

With outstanding student debt now topping $1.2 trillion, it’s extremely important for students to understand their repayment options and take advantage of relief programs to avoid defaulting on their student loans and hurting their credit. But according to ThinkProgress, students aren’t taking advantage of these programs. While one in eight student debtholders is in default, just three percent are enrolled in the income-based plans offered by the […]

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Millions of eligible borrowers not taking advantage of student loan forgiveness

Posted on September 6th, 2013

"We believe that people who contribute part of their talents, part of the benefits of their education, to society as a whole should not be mired in debt because they stir themselves to the calling of public service." -- Richard Cordray

Do you work in the public sector–perhaps in a school, hospital, or government office–and have student loan debt? You may qualify for student loan forgiveness and not even realize it. More than 33 million workers qualify to have their student loans forgiven because they work in public service, but too few take advantage of the […]

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Want an easy way to manage your student loans?

Posted on August 30th, 2013

When you have multiple loans from different lenders, it can be difficult to keep track of all of your monthly payments and due dates. Consolidation is an option, but it’s not right for everyone.

A new service called Tuition.io makes it easier to manage your student loan repayment and help you plan how much to spend each month. And since the service is free, you have nothing to lose–which means you can put even more money toward your loans.

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How you feel when you pay your student loans each month

Posted on August 29th, 2013

That about sums it up.

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Generations of student loan debt

Posted on August 29th, 2013

We often hear about student debt as a problem for recent college graduates in their 20s and 30s. But it’s not just young adults who are struggling to pay back their loans. Their parents are suffering as well.

Americans ages 50-59 owe a combined $112 billion in student loans. That’s triple what they owed in 2005. Why the dramatic increase? Because many parents are taking out additional loans to pay for their children’s education, despite still paying off their own student loan debt.

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