When choosing a college, it’s important to be aware of graduate outcomes from that college and how much you can expect to make once you leave school.
While we wouldn’t recommend choosing a college based on average graduate salaries alone, expected salary is definitely a factor to consider when determining how to pay for college and whether you’ll be able to afford your student loan payments once you graduate.
For students considering college in Upstate New York or our hometown of Western New York, Buffalo Business First put together a list of average graduate salaries from 43 local colleges.
We write mostly about four-year colleges because that’s where most of our clients choose to attend, and going to college is a wise investment in your future. But as we’ve written before, community college can also be an affordable college option for many students–even if they don’t necessarily go on to get a bachelor’s degree. Short […]
While salary shouldn’t be your only consideration when choosing a college major, it’s certainly something that you should take into account when deciding how much you can afford to invest in a college education.
If you know you’re planning on entering one of these lower-paying fields, it may not make financial sense to take out hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans.
Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. Just because a field has low starting salaries doesn’t mean there’s no room for growth. For example, Anthropology majors make an average of just $36,200 at the beginning of their careers, but jump to $61,400 by mid-career.