When choosing a college, it’s important to be aware of graduate outcomes from that college and how much you can expect to make once you leave school.
While we wouldn’t recommend choosing a college based on average graduate salaries alone, expected salary is definitely a factor to consider when determining how to pay for college and whether you’ll be able to afford your student loan payments once you graduate.
For students considering college in Upstate New York or our hometown of Western New York, Buffalo Business First put together a list of average graduate salaries from 43 local colleges.
While there are plenty of national college rankings to help students and families make their college choices, rarely do such rankings focus on a specific geographic area.
That’s why we’re excited that Buffalo Business First has put together a list of the top 10 colleges in Upstate New York–the area where College Financing Group is based.
While the area might be more known for its heavy snowfall, it’s home to a bevy of elite, quality colleges–including an Ivy League college in Cornell University.